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Patient Participation Group

The Waterside Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) aims are to promote and foster good relations between the Practice and patients, to act as advisors on communications between the practice and patients and to work to improve services from a patient point of view.

The PPG is affiliated to N.A.P.P. (National Association for Patient Participation), the umbrella organisation for patient-led groups in general practice in the UK.

Membership of the PPG is available to all registered patients of the practice. To maintain effective functioning, the committee will be limited to twelve members and will endeavour to meet five to six times per year.

The PPG’s activities will be determined by the needs of the practice, its patients and the wider community.


  • The group will provide a communication channel between the patients and the practice.
  • With the help and assistance of the practice, the group will seek suggestions from patients for improvements to the service and highlight any areas that need attention.
  • The group will assist the practice in monitoring quality through patient participation.


  • Communication: The group will influence the development of policies in the practice by representing patient views. This will ensure patients make the best use of the facilities available.
  • Surveys: The group will conduct surveys with patients to inform the action plan.
  • The group will work with the practice to ensure changes are fed down to local community groups.
  • The group will be informed of the commissioning plans and policies of the ICB and engaged in consultations when required.
  • Information will be given to patients through poster displays and the practice newsletter (if practice has one).

Rules governing the group

  • The group shall elect a chair to serve for a period of two years and will be elected at a PPG meeting. Meeting at the practice will be held quarterly. The group will also elect a secretary to minute meeting and share agendas accordingly.
  • The group will consist of at least a core group of 4 patients.

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 11 December 2024